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Environmentally Friendly
Non Explosive
No Noise or Vibrations
No Flying Rocks
Doux pour l'environnement
Sans bruit
Sans vibration
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Project: Boulder Removal
Testimonial: WOW! I am like an excited schoolboy here. We had heavy rain and warm temps last night. I woke up this morning and look, no more boulder! What an amazing product. Can't wait to tell everyone. Every home owner in this rocky state needs to know about ecobust.
Sam Estall, Home Owner, New Platz NY
Project Description: 18'x26' addition to a seasonal cottage. A substantial amount of bedrock had to be removed in order to install a 1/2 basement (width wise) beneath the addition.
Testimonial: You can see that the Ecobust worked pretty much as advertised. All in all I am happy at this point with the results and appreciate both of your time and involvement in my project. Thanks again...Bob
Robert W. Hornaday, P.E.
Project: Removing large areas of CALICHE in Las Vegas, NV by General Contractor for installation of a Pool.
Description: Contractor Jeremy Evans came across huge masses of CALICHE when excavating for a Pool install. The general conventional methods were not feasible as it was very costly given the heavy equipment that would normally be required to do this job; as well apart from what would have been very costly the home owner did not want to have loud noise and vibration for days on end as they were living in the house at the time.
Testimonial: "My guys were amazed, using Ecobust saved the homeowner a lot of money and we will now be using this technique as part of our tool box".
Jeremy Evans, Contractor
job location - White Blanket, North Las Vegas, NV
Project: Landslide which occurred on May 27, 2013, Salida a el Salvador, Guatemala required an alternative way to break rock boulders as blasting was not feasible.
Description: ECOBUST was used to demolish several large boulders that ended up on the highway and near residential areas after this major landslide in Guatemala. Ecobust was used as a safe way to break up these large rocks as 'fly rock', 'noise' and 'vibration' was a concern for neighbouring residents and highway traffic so blasting was NOT used. The road remained open during this time as Ecobust is a safe method for rock breaking.
Project Description: Ecobust required for removal of large boulder where blasting was not feasible. Namoose Bay, BC
Testimonial "It is a good product and we will incorporate this process in our road building box of tools". Ally Gibson, Principal, Island Timberlands
Project: Based in CAYEY, PUERTO RICO Demolition of large boulders where explosives are not permitted.Testimonial "The product worked very well" Ricardo Vazquez, Exclusive Puerto Rico Distributor
JOB location: Ontario, Canada
Application/Description: rock trenching
Testimonial: “I came across a large boulder the size of my pickup while laying an eletrical trench. The rock had to go and Ecobust saved the day"
JOB location: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Application/Description: 300 Ton Rock Boulder Demolition
Testimonial: “In our trade you need every tool out there, and when the situation comes up again, we'll use it again". "Ecobust is also has many indoor applications where explosives are not an option or when noise or vibration are an issue".
Kevin Ronning, Project Manager, Southwest Contracting Ltd.
JOB location: Victoria, BC, Canada
Application/Description: rock clearing
Testimonial: “I would definitely use this product again....thank you"
Jeff Wall, Rock N Wall Landscape
JOB location: West Vancouver
Application/Description: Boulder Breaking
Testimonial: “Ecobust works quick and broke all the boulders effectively. Since our first time use we have introduced Ecobust to all local demolition contractors" Jennie, Demolition Consultant.
JOB location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Application/Description: Granite rock trenching
Testimonial: “The product worked well and our costs were down".
Richard Poulin, Project Manager, Tomlinson Group
Location: Virginia, USA
Description: Ecobust used in boulder breaking application to remove very hard granite near I-81 Highway for the VDOT (Virginia Department of Transportation). Was the solution for sensitive areas where blasting was not preferred or permitted.
" Ecobust effectively demolished the hardest granite known to us in under several hours...I wouldn't have believed it unless I saw it with my own eyes". " I've seen chemical demolition agents before, but nothing as fast and powerful as Ecobust". Howard Massey, VDOT
Ecobust International, Inc
Canada office:
Suite 600, 1285 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC V6H 3X8
USA office:
Suite 253, 9550 S. Eastern Avenue
Las Vegas, NV, 89123
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